Welcome to the Red Rock Gallery

Red Rock is one of the many places to visit here in Southern Nevada. I have taken a few pictures, some I like, and many I don’t. There are so many days when there is a haze over Red Rock so getting some good pictures at a distance is nearly impossible.

Here is one of the few clear shots I have of the mountains that surround Red Rock If you travel back into one of the back areas off the Red Rock Scenic Route, there is a picnic area. Here is just one of the many trees. In Still Life you will see a knot from another tree in the same area. Here are some people feeding one of the many wild burros that roam Red Rock. This plaque talks about an old sand stone quarry. The quarry is on one corner of the Red Rock scenic loop, you have to walk back to find it. This is a picture I got of someone learning how to rock climb.

Please take time to visit the guestbook on your way out. I would love to hear your comments.

© Donnie P Photography, 2011, 2012, 2013
Last Update: 03-30-2013
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