Welcome to the First Friday - First Burn Gallery

This was the tribute to the Burning Man held at First Friday on March 3, 1012. All of these shots are the raw shots, no adjustments and no digital enhancements to the shots. I was lucky to get in the spot I was in. Before they started the burn I had a lot or issues with people just getting in the way. Once the burn started I was able get a clear shot of 'Lucy the Las Vegas Showgirl.' Just before they started the burn, they moved everybody back from the burn, and it gave me a very clear shot to get these pictures.

I hope you enjoy the shots.

Please take time to visit the guestbook on your way out. I would love to hear your comments.

© Donnie P Photography, 2011, 2012, 2013
Last Update: 03-30-2013
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